If You’re Not From Vermont

If You’re Not From Vermont


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know birds.

Our birds sing and dance,

And you can watch them any time.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know the trees.

Our trees get so tall and strong.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You can’t know the trees.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know the wind.

It swishes and turns and makes your face red.

It gushes into every little crack.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You can’t know the wind.


If you’re not from Vermont,

You don’t know the cold.

It sways in and out.

It freezes and melts.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You can’t know cold.


My hair is the grass swaying in the wind.

My breath is the bitter cold.

My legs are the trees.

If you’re not from Vermont,

You can’t know me.


This entry was posted on April 8, 2021. 2 Comments

One of My Heroes: My Mom

One of My Heroes:  My Mom

My mom is caring and kind.  My mom takes care of me and my siblings.  She makes us dinner, lunch, breakfast, and snacks.  She is a teacher and helps people learn things.  She helps me with my homework.  I love my mom.

I’m Talking Small!

I’m Talking Small!


I’m talking small!

I’m talking little!

I’m talking teeny weeny!

I’m talking tiny, tight, slight!

I’m talking minor, cramped, short, narrow!

I’m talking young, mini, limited, meager, petite!

I’m talking SMALL!

This entry was posted on February 2, 2021. 2 Comments

Six Things to Do on Christmas

Six Things to Do on Christmas


Have cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

Thank God for sending His Son.

Give presents.

Open presents.

Eat an afternoon meal that is dinner and lunch.

Play in the snow.

If I Were in Charge of the World

If I Were in Charge of the World


(Form change poem with thanks to Judith Viorst)


If I were in charge of the world,

I’d cancel vegetables, homework, and also masks.


If I were in charge of the world, 

There would be more ice cream sundaes,

More chocolate cake,

And lots of candy.


If I were in charge of the world,

You wouldn’t have fish,

You wouldn’t have Brussels sprouts,

And you wouldn’t have squash.


If I were in charge of the world,

Ice cream sundaes with cherries and candies and chocolate cake

Would be a balanced meal,

All people would be hilarious,

And a person who sometimes leaves their stuff all over the floor of their room 

And sometimes forgets to brush their teeth

Would still be allowed to be

In charge of the world.


This entry was posted on January 12, 2021. 2 Comments


I’m from campfires in my backyard and the smell of my cat.

I’m from my mom’s delicious cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

I’m from art, reading, and my vegetable garden.

I’m from my dad’s popcorn, oven pancakes, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.

I’m from reading, roasting marshmallows, and choosing the theme on my birthday cake.

I’m from having Chinese at Sunny Garden with my family.

This entry was posted on October 8, 2020. 1 Comment